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Duncan MacGruer's infographics

Introduce complex subjects with informative infographics & graphical abstracts

As opposed to images that communicate results, data or big picture concepts, infographics and graphical abstracts deal with “how and why”, presenting processes in a more comprehensive narrative. There is more story telling in an infographic, and it may require more effort on the part of the viewer, so distilling the message into its essential elements is the key to effectuating understanding.

Border States Journey Map by Duncan MacrGruer

5' x 10' SaaS Journey Map designed for Border States, illustrating the complex path from lead generation and qualification through pitching and closing the deal to activation, implementation and renewal.

infographic of high entropy / multi principle element alloys

Multi institutional proposal led by Lehigh University for investigations into high entropy / multi principle element alloys (MPEAs).

methane cracking hydrogen extraction infographic

Methane cracking is a bridge technology from fossil fuels to a hydrogen sustainable economy. Separated at high temperatures into hydrogen and pure carbon, the process is performed in an oxygen free environment, yielding no CO2 emissions. Woodruff School of Mechanical of Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology.

onsite fertilizer production infographic

The environmental advantages of on-site fertilizer production are shown in this comparative infographic. No manufacturing, packaging or shipping processes means no CO2 emissions and a healthier crop with lower ammonia and nitrate releases. Georgia Institute of Technology.

Predictive modeling and MPEA behavior

Graphic abstract of the research goal of testing the hypothesis that predictive modeling can generate insight into the process-structure-property interrelationship underlying MPEA behavior. For the Department of Mechanical Engineering, Lehigh University.

Carbon cycle infographic by Duncan MacGruer

Carbon cycle infographic for the UPCycle Science and Technology Center at the Georgia Institute of Technology.

Wearable sensor applications infographic

For a paper on Wearable Sensor Applications in sport and healthcare. KTH University, Stockholm.

sustainable energy management infographic

From renewable energy sources to high efficiency combined cycle power generation. Infographic created for Nooter/Eriksen, the world leader in sustainable energy management.

Biodiversity conservation infographic

Biodiversity conservation infographic displaying Central and South American distribution of the Jaguar and threats from increasing human land use and urbanization. For the Center for Artificial Intelligence in Society at the University of Southern California.

infographic of motor signatures of Parkinson’s Disease

Fusing brain and body information to quantify motor signatures of Parkinson’s Disease. Department of Electrical, Computer and Biomedical Engineering, University of Rhode Island.

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